Monday, October 09, 2006

Welcome to my blog!

Greetings from the mind of a woman on a daily journey to find the places in life that are all mine. Corners and chairs and rooms that are lit up in my minds eye, a place that comforts at the same time it moves me out of my comfort zone and pushes me to think and explore and create.

I am many things to many people and yet I long to have a space that I am not expected to be anything to anyone. So listen closely to the words that fall like shattering glass, thundering down on the unexpected. Here is a place that will be full of ideas, thoughts, dreams and dramas. I have been privy in my life to marriages, divorces, births, deaths, addictions, euphoria, deep pain and spiritual death and growth. To that end my journalling of this path with its many spirals may be part rant and part enlightened moments that will hopefully make you laugh and cry right along with me!

The journey begans.......


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